Every system needs efficient ways to file documents and data as well as making them available to its users. That is why the storage and retrieval is an essential component in the development of systems for document management. This is all Of course, if you talk about the world of printed documents. But how to bring the traditional concepts of management to electronic documents?
Must necessarily remain the concepts of personal files, temporary and officers, in the traditional sense of the word, and the means to insert, retrieve or delete documents, legal, and so on. The problem occurs at the time that electronic documents become records.
File Management
The concept of file management is not new. It is said that since there were records for storing, managing files existed. As a record is defined for the purposes of this work, any information regarding the work of an organization. Any document that uses an organization can be considered as a record: forms, correspondence, orders, and so on. A record can be anything, physical or electronic, containing a structure and context. Content is the information implicit in the document. The structure is its physical appearance or the type of document (letter, memo, report, etc..). The context is determined by issues such as use to be granted to the document, its purpose and who is targeted.
File management is mainly based on three traditional types of records
• Personal Records: All personal information created or maintained in a workstation of interest to that person who keeps and consultation. If the record is maintained in the computer network for consultation of all, for example, an article published on the intranet of the organization, the registration becomes corporate. You must be careful to define when it ceases to be a personal record to become a record of the institution.
• Transient Records: Records that represent work in the process of becoming official records. Are those documents that make a person or persons temporarily themselves while making an official document in its final version. For example are: temporary records, memos, drafts of a project. Some temporary records finally become official.
• Official records: Record of a formal decision within the institution or the outside. Final versions of projects, e-mail critical messages and other documents are official records.
From these types of issues that revolve records must be resolved by the industry dedicated to creating technologies for the management, and embraced by all organizations to which these technologies are addressed.
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